
Saturday, October 02, 2010

Meet our pumpkin family! This years harvest of squash. Looks like we might have some spaghetti squash in there, but we are not really sure. Some of them were supposed to be zucchini. Now if we were playing Agricola, we would have gotten full points!

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Mid September we went to the Viking Festival in Adventon. The best part of this festival is the hobby warriors who come out and smack each other with swords. Each side of the field cheers for their champion. I embarrassed my family by cheering for our hero, Wulfgar. After a couple mock-battles, in which Wulfgar's warriors were repeatedly victorious, all the Vikings got together and formed a shield wall. Then, all-comers were invited onto the field to try and break the wall. First the adults charged; with me of course. We did a fair job. I lost my wooden clog, trying to run across the field. The ultimate was the charge of the children. I regret that my camera pooped out while filming this video.

 We enjoyed the show, though the size of the event was smaller than the previous year. Our favorite honey merchant from Poland was there with his ferrets. We bought cinnamon honey and a honey glaze for roasting chicken.

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