
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Summer vacation!

And whoo, have we been busy. After all, we're not planning any major trips, and since we just moved here, who needs to go anywhere!? However, the main reason why it's taken me so long to post anything new: Sims 2. No, I haven't been playing it, Kathryn just bought it for herself. They both started saving accounts of their own when they started getting pocket money, and a while back, Kathryn asked when she would finally be allowed to buy something with her savings. So we suggested that she think about what she'd like to get and then she could go ahead at the beginning of summer vacs. And now she has all the time she could want to play, and does she ever, with Ursula looming over her shoulder. Actually, the two of them have been getting along remarkably well, considering how they get on each other's nerves during the school year.
Let's see, Mondays we're having movie day (after helping with vacuuming and mopping, they get to see one of two summer specials at the local movie theater), Wednesdays is our swimming day (after cleaning the bathrooms, we're trying a different pool every week, depending on the weather). I was amazed at the outdoor facilities in Walldorf - a little lake, a huge pool with a great long curvy slide, Olympic pool, playground with "splashzone" for the littlest with picknick area! And 6Euros for the three of us... Next week we'll probably try something indoor, since the weather has been very unpredictable, keeping us from planning all-day outdoor activities.
The first "photo- worthy" event was the German equivalent of the Rennaisance Fair. Surprisingly cheap admission, but as usual at these events, you end up spending a lot on goodies. True to character, Ursula immediately wanted "one of those nice dresses", and Kathryn either a sword, or a bow and arrow, or maybe one of the cool hoods with capes. We managed to have fun and leave without having to take out a loan or sell our souls. And finally, a few pics!
Kathryn learning some essential knightly skills on horseback. They loved the tournament involving Robin of Locksley (sp?), Guy of Guiseborne, King Richard and his brother John.
The next day the weather was just as fickle as usual, so we stayed close to home, only roaming as far as Heidelberg's Philosophenweg. It's a famous walk along the Neckar on the side opposite the castle with a nice view of both. We walked five miles and enjoyed the views and the return path very close to the river, but I think the best part for the girls was the icecream and water playground at the end.
Mike had taken four days off for a looong weekend, and before he went back to work, we risked the rain and went to Frankfurt, for the zoo. It was not up to my childhood memories. Though nice, I think from now on we will content ourselves with the Karlruhe or Heidelberg zoos - just as nice/big, and much closer. Still, here are some of our favorite shots:
O.k., how many of you saw the animated movie Madagaskar? Remember the lemurs running around yelling about a "Fossa"? This is it. And I thought they made up some nonsense word!
Baboons on a log, and Ursula's favorites, Okapis. Before Sims came along, she was an avid Zoo Tycoon player, and let me tell you, it sure teaches kids a professional vocabulary when it comes to animals.
Whew! I think that's quite enough for one post. I'll save today's pics (and maybe next week's) for the next one. Servus!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Introducing.... Cleo!

I know it's soon, but she really was the best thing that could happen to us after Katinka died. It's been rough enough for Kathryn, but Cleo has proven a great distraction. We've actually been able to talk a lot about Katinka (comparing how she behaved as a baby) instead of just breaking down and crying.

Not as cute, but as an aside, here are some of my gardening successes:

Left, I finally got myself a yellow hibiscus; right, first attempt at cherry tomatoes (we've been able to harvest a small bowl a day since the pic was taken).

In the foreground are two plumeria - they've been absolutely amazing! I never had so many leaves when I tried growing them in California. I can't wait until next summer to see if I will actually get some flowers! Behind them are my "essential" herbs: basil, chives, and parsley. This being our first year in this area, I thought I'd start small, and the results have been very encouraging.