
Monday, December 15, 2008

Ursula has had her annual guitar receital which Alan recorded.

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Here at the end of the month, we took time out to celebrate Thanksgiving. We celebrated with the Ami-Stammtisch at SAP. This year we had enough vegetables and more importantly, enough pumpkin pie. Unfortunately Andrea and I both came down with colds. The next day kicked off the beginning of the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market) season.

Both Andrea and I had to drag ourselves out of bed and work for two hours setting up the booth for the PTA of the kids' school. We had enough time go home and warm up before we had to drive out there again and watch Ursula perform in her Orff Ensemble with her classmates. We grabbed a quick bite to eat at the bakery and came home in time to drive Kathryn back to the Weihnachtsmarkt for her to take her turn at booth duty at the PTA booth.

Sunday we celebrated the 1st Advent. We invited over the Plumleys. We sang a few Christmas songs, ate some cookies, drank some tea, and had some live performances. Ursula on her guitar, Kathryn on the recorder, and Pete on his trombone.

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